Dermaplaning 101

If you’ve been following us for a while, you know we are BIG fans of a dermaplaning facial! Dermaplaning is our secret to super soft skin that allows your skincare products to penetrate more deeply while creating a perfect canvas for flawless makeup application. Keep reading for everything you need to know about dermaplaning!

How it works:

Dermaplaning is a quick and totally painless treatment where your Defy aesthetician uses a surgical scalpel to gently exfoliate the top layers of your skin and remove fine facial hair (aka “Peach fuzz” or vellus hair) leaving your skin and complexion brighter and more even!

What are the benefits of dermaplaning?

-Smoother skin: Dermaplaning removes rough and dead skin, leaving your skin smoother and creates a more even base for applying makeup. Many of our clients love this treatment before a big event, like a wedding or a party!

-Better absorption: Without peach fuzz, your skincare products can penetrate more deeply into the skin which maximizes their glowy benefits.

-Brighter skin: Dermaplaning helps minimize the appearance of fine lines and boost radiance.

-Hair removal: Dermaplaning removes fine facial hair which can trap dirt and oil.

Who is a candidate for a dermaplane facial?

Dermaplaning is safe for most skin types and has no downtime! Your Defy aesthetician will work with you to determine if dermaplaning is right for you. We do not recommend dermaplaning over top of active acne breakouts. Going through a breakout? Our aestheticians can customize your facial to help combat this!

What is the aftercare like?

Good news! No aftercare required for dermaplaning. You may experience some short-term redness following the treatment, but this should resolve shortly afterwards. We recommend avoiding any “active” skincare product or exfoliation for 3-5 days after your treatment, as skin may be more sensitive.

How often do you need to dermaplane?

The results from a dermaplaning treatment typically last about 4 weeks. Many of our clients choose to do this treatment every 4-6 weeks, depending on skin type and facial hair growth.

Whether you're interested in a relaxing customized facial, or want to learn more about our skincare treatments, we’d love to see you in the office soon!

Cathryn Speck