Lauren Corrigan

Nurse Practitioner

Lauren has been a board-certified Nurse Practitioner for 8 years. Before making the transition into aesthetics, her nursing background had a strong focus in critical care and emergency medicine. Lauren attended various aesthetic training courses and shadow days prior to becoming an aesthetic Nurse Practitioner, during which she fell in love with the specialty. Her background and experience translate very well into aesthetics, as she is extremely detail oriented and has a strong respect & love for anatomy. She loves being able to combine both science and medicine with her artistic side.

Lauren is certified in botulinum toxin injections and dermal fillers. She also performs all of our skin treatments such as microneedling, platelet rich plasma (PRP), chemical peels and microinfusions. She is a certified Sciton provider for our mJoule platform, performing both our BBL and Moxi treatments. Lauren’s goal is to create long lasting relationships with her clients and natural results that are not overdone.

Lauren lives in Annapolis with her husband and two dogs. She enjoys traveling, exercising, and spending time with family and friends in her spare time. Lauren says her anti-aging non-negotiables are a daily skincare regimen and a collagen boosting treatment in the office at least 3 times per year! 

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